Howard Hindoga, a winner of the 2017 MoneyMakeover challenge, has gone from security officer with no tertiary education and bleak hopes for his financial future, to successful property entrepreneur, ensured of a comfortable retirement.
Anda Peter – Managing Director, Campfire Promotions (60 Sec)
Duduzile Radebe – 3rd Year MBBCH, University of Witwatersrand (60 Sec)
Howard Hindoga – Winner, ABSA City Press Money Makeover (30 Sec)
Sazini Mojapelo – Group Head of Citizenship, ABSA Group (60 Sec)
Howard Hindoga – Winner, ABSA City Press Money Makeover (60 Sec)
Corporate Overview
Absa is committed to generating economic stability in Africa by uplifting its future entrepreneurs and innovators through scholarships, financial literacy training and enterprise development programmes.
To date, the bank has supported more than 6,500 young individuals through their scholarship programme, including Duduzile Radebe, who was able to tackle the obstacle of high university fees with an Absa scholarship so she could pursue her studies in medicine.
Beyond their support in education, Absa also offers the ReadytoWork programme to prepare candidates for entry into the workforce by teaching them financial skills and professionalism in the workplace.
Absa’s partnership with City Press and MoneyMakeover has also allowed them to provide financial literacy training. This has helped individuals like Howard Hindoga, a former security officer with no tertiary education who is now a successful property entrepreneur and winner of the 2017 MoneyMakeover challenge.
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