The Volvo Iron Women heavy-duty truck driving school is providing education and employment opportunities, which is uplifting women and their communities.
Rirhandzu Baloyi – Programme Participant Volvo Iron Woman and family (60 Sec)
Nicci Scott – Owner Commercial Transport Academy (60 Sec)
Marcus Horberg – Vice President Volvo Group Southern Africa (60 sec)
Corporate Overview
South Africa has about 14,000 road deaths per year. Volvo’s heavy-duty truck driving school, Iron Women, is actively working towards changing these figures. The Iron Women programme is aimed at training women to become heavy duty truck drivers. This is because, statistically, women are responsible drivers. They are involved in less traffic accidents, use less fuel and breaks, and, therefore, reduce maintenance costs. For this reason, women heavy-duty truck drivers do not only improve business for Volvo’s customers, but also saves lives on the road.
#SAINC met Rirhandzu Baloyi, a new qualified heavy-duty truck driver. She, and many of her classmates from the Commercial Transport Academy, were unemployed before Volvo stepped in. By providing training and employment opportunities, Volvo empowers these women, and also uplifts their families and communities.
The values of the Volvo Group are around gender diversity, transformation, and acceptance of all. Hence, they also offer an apprentice programme where previously disadvantaged youth are trained as technicians, and then employed in their business. As a result, Volvo’s Iron Women truck driving school and apprentice programmes are leaving this world in a better shape for the next generation.
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