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And what better way to start than investing in local TVET colleges. SAINC went off to the Mashishing TVET college to meet Tshepo, an engineering fabrication student and the first in his family to obtain a tertiary education. With Glencore’s support, the state-of-the-art TVET campus is delivering business and engineering education alongside vocational training.

Bringing a significant quality of life to communities.

The People

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Tshepo Nkosi – Engineering Fabrication Student at Ehlanzeni TVET College

Tshepo Nkosi is an engineering fabrication student at Ehlanzeni TVET College. He is the first in his family to study at a tertiary institution; a testament to what can be achieved through hard-work, commitment and access to the right education opportunities. Glencore’s R7 million investment into the state-of-the-art Mashishing Campus has created a facility that provides Tshepo and almost 1000 other students, with tuition in engineering and business-related subjects as well the vocational training that will enable them to become the future artisans and engineers of our economy.

And Tshepo has a clear view of his future. With his diligent focus he plans to finish his diploma and enrol in university to further his studies in Metallurgical Engineering, making his mother prouder each and every day.

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Sakhile – General Manager, FemiPower Supply at Glencore Lion smelter

Sakhile runs a company called FemiPower Supply at Glencore Lion smelter. It’s a female owned company that collects samples from the plant for delivery to the lab. Sakhile joined Glencore’s entrepreneurship hub to get the assistance she needed to grow her business. She took part in the SMME training programme on finance, marketing, and business management and was assigned a technical mentor to help her. Sakhile has benefited significantly from the hub’s assistance and shares how it has improved her quality of life, her ability to pay school fees and look after her children, and importantly, to buy new assets for the business allow it to grow and succeed further.

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Tebogo Mabelane – (15 Sec)

Tebogo Mabelane is Mechanical Engineering Student at Ehlanzeni TVET College. She is studying fitting & machining and she loves it passionately. Tebogo is bridging the divide between male and females in the traditional engineering disciplines. She recounts how, without this opportunity, she would likely be a cashier or a cleaner. But now, she is determined to one day start her own engineering company and to inspire young women that they are able to do any job out there.



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Conroy vd Westhuizen – Chief Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Glencore Alloys South Africa (60 Sec)

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Conroy vd Westhuizen – Chief Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Glencore Alloys South Africa (15 Sec)

The Mashishing Campus of Ehlanzeni TVET College (15 Sec)

Corporate Overview

The Story

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And what better way to start than investing in local TVET colleges. SAINC went off to the Mashishing TVET college to meet Tshepo, an engineering fabrication student and the first in his family to obtain a tertiary education. With Glencore’s support, the state-of-the-art TVET campus is delivering business and engineering education alongside vocational training. In doing so they are growing a local skills-base to take up employment opportunities with the mines, whilst at the same time contributing to the NDAs target of training up 30,000 artisans by 2030.

From tertiary education to business incubation, our next stop was the Steelpoort Entrepreneurship hub where local small businesses are provided with access to services and training that assist them to grow both their financial and operational capacity. Here we met Sakhile, from Femipower Supply, who inspired us with her story of passion and resilience. Her success assisted by support from ESD hub, and the opportunities provided by being part of the Glencore supply chain.

But community upliftment often also requires relief services alongside developmental interventions and Glencore heeded the call of their Bethanie community to assist with a new, and desperately needed health clinic in the area. With an investment of R30 million, a new facility was constructed and handed over to the North-West Province Department of Health. Now community members can access the care they need, and doctors and nurses are fulfilled by their jobs, equipped to serve their patients in the high-quality, safe and healthy environment they deserve.

The Gallery

Skills development at Glencore Alloys Local Enterprise Development Hub
Skills development at Glencore Alloys Local Enterprise Development Hub
The Mashishing Campus of Ehlanzeni TVET College
The Mashishing Campus of Ehlanzeni TVET College
Tebogo Mabelane, Mechanical Engineering Student, Ehlanzeni TVET College, Mashishing Campus
Tebogo Mabelane, Mechanical Engineering Student, Ehlanzeni TVET College, Mashishing Campus
Students at Ehlanzeni TVET College are taught theory as well as practical lessons
Students at Ehlanzeni TVET College are taught theory as well as practical lessons
Hands-on training at Ehlanzeni TVET College
Hands-on training at Ehlanzeni TVET College

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