AVBOB’S Community development is the focus of AVBOB’s business and social investment strategies, and is demonstrated through its enterprise development, literacy, and sanitation projects.
Frik Rademan – CEO AVBOB (60 Sec)
Enver Surty – Former Deputy Minister of Basic Education (60 Sec)
Regin Mukwevho – School Teacher Sedimosang Primary School (60 Sec)
Lunga Mfengwana – Funeral Agent, AVBOB (60 Sec)
Corporate Overview
Community development lies at the core of AVBOB’s business and social investment strategies. AVBOB is a mutual assurance society, which is owned by its more that two million policyholders. They are committed to growing their business specifically to give better support to policy holders in rural areas, and do so through their innovative enterprise development model. All their branches are independently owned, and through AVBOB’s assistance with infrastructure, they establish successful businesses which, in turn, employ a vast amount of people.
AVBOB’s commitment to community development also extends to the education sector of South Africa. In partnership with the Department of Basic Education, AVBOB is actively combatting literacy issues through their donation of state-of-the-art container libraries to underprivileged schools throughout the country. Furthermore, in a drive to eradicate dangerous pit latrines at schools, AVBOB is contributing to the Department’s Sanitation Appropriate for Education project through the construction of ablution facilities.
Through these sustainable community development projects AVBOB is truly realising their commitment to responsible corporate citizenship, along with fostering a legacy of success for many South Africans.
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